Monday, July 18, 2011

Roadsaw Promo/Lp Tweed 2010 Shoot

So, the whole time I'm at The Tweed River Festival last year, I'm sweating having one of my nice cameras with me. Stupid, stupid, stupid. But that Tim Catz I hear from afar? Nope! The mother fucker was right in my ear about how I've known him forever and how that somehow added up to me taking pictures of Roadsaw for nothing.

Well, as most of you know me, things of this nature seldom flush. I told him it was either his automobile or Two G's. Oddly enough, he opted to give me the cash over the Pinto. I really thought I was helping him out, but he kind of missed that pitch.

The Roadsaws live in different places and this was a rarity to have them all together. So we got neck deep, ultimately, in The Mighty Tweed and took these.


cheech said...

ha! cant wait to see you again this year! I'll bring the over sized Jim Beam bottle and pink inner tube!

cheech said...

ha! good times.....lets do it again this year...

Paul Janovitz said...

Hey, can you bring me like six copies of your CD...if there are any of my pics on it.