It was in the basement known as The Lizard Lounge in Cambridge where I met Christoph Krey. Or should I say he met me, as if it were HIS pleasure. The High Holidays were making us all swoon in honor or St. Valentine's Day. Christoph had a lounge thing going on with a red velvet smoking jacket and horn rimmed glasses. We got to talking and he had a whole concept for what he was going for with his band McAlister Drive. I gave him my card (which I hate doing, by the way...seems awfully presumptuous) and told him to give a call when he was ready to take some pictures. He did and we did up in North Andover at the Collins Center where they were filming their first video. They were in the middle of lip sinking (which is a God awful thing to have to do) and Christoph had on two dollar Wayfarer's with bright fluorescent green sides. As soon as they were done with the take Chris looked over and saw me and said hello. I said "Yeah, whatever...what's with the lame sunglasses??" He said that "someone" thought he needed some POP. I assured him that THAT was not pop. His band mates rejoiced when he took them off. But it quickly hit me that the "someone" was most likely the producer/director and I quickly tried to back track but it was too late. Once again, I had spoken with my heart and not with my brain. Sometimes that works...other times not so much. But he seemed to take it all in stride.